Embodied Yoga : For healing, for discovering, for centering.

“Yoga is not about touching your toes. It is about what you learn on the way down.”


deep sleep workshop

Deep Sleep workshop

Yoga for the menopause

Yoga Body Rolling

Elemental Yoga Classes


I offer classes in Deep Sleep Yoga, Yoga Body Rolling and Elemental Yoga.

I also provide one to one sessions that integrate Craniosacral Therapy, Yoga Therapeutics and Scenar Pain Relief Therapy.


The list above may officially be what I do day to day, however it is far from a definition of what I really do, and what my clients really experience.

I provide space to rest deeply in which you can find your way back to yourself. My sessions lead you back to a full embodied presence: a more vibrant you, unwound from the knots in both your body and mind that have built up, coiled around and that now weigh you down.

You see, Yoga is about finding something deeper in ourselves, it’s about getting out of our own way, and mostly it’s about coming back to our centre and finding that the ease that we’ve been searching for has been there all along.

In short, Yoga is what you need, whatever that may be; it is what has brought you here and what will inevitably lead you back to your self, your centre and your focus.

Yoga: For healing, for discovering, for centering.


Yoga can be a path to deeply understanding oneself; it can and is all things to all people providing healing, relaxation and discovery. However Yoga in and of itself is not all about Yoga. In fact some of my greatest teachers have not necessarily even been Yogis, but are certainly masters at stillness and embodying great wisdom

I have had the privilege to work with, and have been mentored by,  many wonderful teachers and somatic therapists over the years, and the most important lesson that they have shown me is how to get out of my head and  land in my body.   From there they have instilled in me the necessity of slowing down and listening to my body, and allowing my body to show me what I need in order to heal and recharge.

It is through the distillation of these expansive number of teachings, that span a plethora of wise people, yogis and experiences, that I now pass on to you the power of Yoga through classes, workshops and personalised individual sessions.

Ready to find what you want to find?

My students’ experiences are never generic. They are unique, personal and nothing short of a journey. If you’re ready to find what you want to find through your personal experience and individual journey, let’s talk.

‘My work with Deirdre was really special because her calm nature and intuitive teaching style was exceptional. Her sensitivity to my needs as a student were incredible and very accurate. I always left her group classes feeling more centred and focused. Our one-on-one work was excellent because she helped unearth some hidden emotions I did not know how to name, or even express– and that was invaluable to me. Thank you, Deirdre!’

You are such an amazing teacher Dee, you guide people so wonderfully into their bodies in a way that I don’t experience in other classes – I have been to lots of other classes, and they are good, but they just don’t have the same quality of embodied awareness that you bring to your classes and that is so essential in feeling rested and settled in ourselves. And you have such a welcome ability to bring your students into the body from a place of acceptance and yielding instead of pushing and efforting.I love your Yoga classes – they are so effortless – you feel you are putting in very little effort but the effect is amazing. I always feel like my body has done a workout the next day but without the sweat and gung-ho that you usually associate with a workout. I’ve done my fair share of boot camps in my time but this is so much more effective – it’s a kind of movement that sneaks up on you it’s so effortless ; I just love it. No more bootcamps for me !
Liz, Wicklow

